Monday, August 6, 2012

4 Effective Ways To Treat Shin Splint Pain at Home

Shin splints are not the exclusive preserve of those who do a lot of running, play strenuous sports and perform dance steps. It is true however that these individuals stand a greater risk of having injuries related to the shins. However, normal people are far from being exempted from these complaints. You can develop this complication by just working up a hill or even harmlessly bending down to pick up a pencil from the floor.
Shin splints generally occur after running when excessive weight has been put on the shins or the tissues that link up with the muscles of that bone. The end result is to cause acute pain and a swelling of the tissues around the shinbone. You should not ignore and allow it aggravate into something more serious. We never know for sure when shin splints are around the bend. Here are 4 effective ways you can treat shin splints from home when they do occur.
1# Get Some Tape
Using a bandage or special sleeve that fits comfortably over the lower leg region, helps to reduce pain and swelling. Furthermore, it bolsters your tissue area, improving flexibility and good conditioning around the adjoining muscles.
Ensure that you work gingerly, never hurriedly (that's if the pain permits you). You can use a walking stick if the pain seems unbearable. This stimulates healthy blood to the damaged tissue area and also removes surplus fluid caused by the swelling.
2# Use an insole
Shin splints happen because of the continuous jarring of your joints and shins during intensive work outs or heavy impact activities. When you have shin splints, start wearing a padded insole with your shoes. This has been known to offer great relief. A padded sole helps to cushion the blow of your foot every time it thumps on the ground, especially on hard or uneven surfaces. You can get insoles at specialty stores or at the sport section of any other store.
3# Ice Treatments
Ice therapy reduces swellings and inflammation fast and is a reliable method that will provide relief from shin pain. Break ice in a towel and apply on the affected area for 10-15 minutes every day. Do this dutifully at least 3 times daily. If you do not want it to affect your other activities or chores, use an ice pack held in place with an elastic bandage. Never apply directly to your shin; it does more harm than good! Are you having trouble, finding the specific tools for the job? You can turn to the kitchen for a solution to your throbbing splint by opting for a bag of frozen legumes or vegetables. They work as well.
4# Pop the Painkillers and Rest Up
Taking Aspirin, Acetaminophen and ibuprofen with water will help relieve shin pain by reducing swellings and inflamed muscles. These painkillers, along with rest, gradually help to return your body to full activity. Pregnant women or nursing moms need to check in with their doctors first before using these medications as they are known to have possible side effects.
Remember that the seriousness of each shin splint case determines the level of treatment to be applied to each leg. You should stop and try your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis if there are no improvements within a week.