Sunday, August 26, 2012

Tip For All Nail Biters

Ordinarily, most methods, though useful and effective don't guarantee permanent results. This however will.
Close your eyes and visualize the way your nails will appear when you have finally achieved your goal of quitting nail biting.
Suppose you are driving a car, if you keep looking in the back mirror you will not know where you are heading. What will be the point of your journey then? Similarly, when you are working towards attaining a certain objective, it is very essential that you know the outcome of your struggles. This is why it is necessary to have a mental picture of the beautiful nails you will own in the future.
Take as much time as you want as you go into the imaginary world, where you will not have uneven, ugly and chipped nails but smooth, finely shaped and pretty nails. You may encounter some problems while trying to envision the perfect nails. In such a case, just take some scissors and cut out a photograph from a magazine. Or print it out from the internet. This will assist you in making your vision clearer and more realistic.
Once you have accomplished the task of creating the image of impeccable nails in your mind, imagine a situation where you are accompanied by your family and friends having a good time and where you will not have to worry about others catching a glimpse of your unkempt hands. What a relief that would be! You can even conjure up an image of yourself receiving compliments from your favourite people on the way your unappealing nails have drastically transformed into attractive ones.
This technique of visualizing the outcome of your efforts is one which has been proved by well-known athletes. They took advantage of it and earned a victory in the end. Similarly, by envisioning your future nails, you can trick your brain into thinking that those imaginary nails are actually the real ones. In this way your brain will robotically start working on achieving your ideal nails.
Keep working on this technique until the time you obtain success. After all, you do not start growing muscles on your first visit to the gym!
This may sound like a simple tip, but in combination with many other techniques, this will make a big difference and can be a determining factor between you following through on what you had set out to do.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Too Many Questions About Diet

Where Do We Start?
In the beginning there was fat, and fat was good and we ate it... abundantly... with relish (and other sauces)... and we grew to larger proportions. And then we wanted to be less than we had become and so we paid others to tell us what to eat (or not) and how to move (or not) and when to do all of this. And what supplements to take and foods to eat more and foods to eat less... and where has it gotten us?
We eat processed food, we eat fast food, we eat bio-engineered food, we eat food and food products from animals that have been genetically modified and from plants that have been genetically modified, we eat foods that have been chemically altered, we consume poisons and we wonder why our health is suffering.
How can we begin to change our habits and patterns when we are inundated with the continuing misinformation everywhere we go. Fast food companies wanting us to super-size and not wait (even though we seem to wait in their lines to order and again to pick up what we've ordered). We go to gyms and other forms of exercise and are "motivated" or "mis-motivated" by individuals who don't take our circumstances or limitations into consideration, it is all about "just do it" and not about "do what you can today and a bit more tomorrow" and so we feel bad and eat more.
Do I Have a Solution?
My solution is that I choose what I eat from things I cook (not from a package) and move myself in ways that don't over-stress my ailing parts and enhance my not-so-ailing parts. I take some supplements that seem to be beneficial (found a new one this week - for anti-aging). We've been doing Pilates and just joined the Gold's Gym so I can do it my way. My shopping choices tend to prefer the things called "organic" or "natural" and I detest the fact that they think I should pay more.
Good health and good eating habits begin in that wonderful place I call "between your ears and behind your eyes" and that is the beginning of anyone's journey to wellness. Want me to say that more simply? OK... YOU HAVE TO WANT TO CHANGE BEFORE MEANINGFUL CHANGE WILL OCCUR. That means you have to stop drinking the stuff with "high fructose corn syrup" and stop eating the things with chemical names you can't pronounce and stop using products with chemical names you can't pronounce (any product that has a thing with "laureth" in the name is a poison). YOU have to take control of your life and your existence and want to have, be and do better.
Your Task, Should You Choose to Accept!!!
Make one tiny change in your life. Drink less soda or use less sweetener or eat a little less "stuff from a box, can or freezer" and see if you can replace these with "better choices" like make green tea (go and buy some) or anything that changes what you eat. And then, move a bit more than you usually do. Walk around the block, go to a large mall and walk it (if you live in a hot or cold place, then find the indoor one). Make your own difference - stop eating at the fast food places, find a traditional ethnic alternative. Eat better and live happier.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Human Stomach

Stomach is a vital organ in a human being. It is made up of muscles and looks like a pear-shaped bag. It is elastic in nature - human stomach changes it size and shape according to the position of the human body and the amount of food present inside the stomach. The stomach of a normal human being is about 12 inches long and 6 inches wide at its widest point. The stomach plays a vital role in digesting the food we eat. It also releases various enzymes and protects our lower intestine from harmful organisms. It is located in the upper part of the abdomen just below the left rib cage.
Common Stomach Disorders in Humans
  • Gastritis
  • Gastroparesis
  • Cancers
  • Peptic Ulcer Disease
  • Dyspepsia
Causes of Common Stomach Diseases
Gastritis - In the stomach there is a delicate balance between acid and the wall lining which is protected by mucus. When this mucus lining is disrupted for whatever reasons signs and symptoms of acidity result. This may result in upper abdominal pain, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and heartburn.
Gastroparesis - The stomach motility disappears and food remains stagnant in the stomach. The most common cause of gastroparesis is diabetes. It can also occur from a blockage at the distal end of stomach, a cancer or a stroke. Symptoms of gastroparesis includes abdominal pain, fullness, bloating, nausea, vomiting after eating food, loss of appetite and feeling of fullness after eating small amounts of food.
Cancer - Stomach cancers usually occur due to fluctuations in acidity level. Symptoms are vague which include abdominal fullness, weight loss and pain. The exact cause of stomach cancer is not known but has been linked to infection with H.pylori, pernicious anemia, Menetriere's disease and nitrogenous preservatives in the food we consume.
Peptic Ulcer Disease - This is commonly known as PUD. It is an ulcer on the gastrointestinal tract which is acidic and hence very painful. Symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, waterbrash, nausea, loss of appetite resulting in loss of weight etc.
Dyspepsia - Commonly known as indigestion or stomach upset. It is a medical condition characterized by chronic or recurrent pain in the upper abdomen, upper abdominal fullness and feeling full earlier than expected when eating.
Treatments of Common Stomach Diseases
Most stomach problems are linked to smoking and tobacco consumption; hence the intake of tobacco (directly or through cigarettes) should be stopped. Experts recommend a healthy diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. One should avoid meat and diary products.
Endoscopy - This procedure is performed as an outpatient and utilizes a small flexible camera. The procedure does require intravenous sedation and takes about 30-45 minutes; the endoscope is inserted via the mouth and can visualize the entire swallowing tube, stomach and duodenum. The procedure also allows the physician to obtain biopsy samples. In many cases of bleeding, the surgeon can use the endoscope to treat the source of bleeding with laser, clips or other injectable drugs.

Monday, August 6, 2012

4 Effective Ways To Treat Shin Splint Pain at Home

Shin splints are not the exclusive preserve of those who do a lot of running, play strenuous sports and perform dance steps. It is true however that these individuals stand a greater risk of having injuries related to the shins. However, normal people are far from being exempted from these complaints. You can develop this complication by just working up a hill or even harmlessly bending down to pick up a pencil from the floor.
Shin splints generally occur after running when excessive weight has been put on the shins or the tissues that link up with the muscles of that bone. The end result is to cause acute pain and a swelling of the tissues around the shinbone. You should not ignore and allow it aggravate into something more serious. We never know for sure when shin splints are around the bend. Here are 4 effective ways you can treat shin splints from home when they do occur.
1# Get Some Tape
Using a bandage or special sleeve that fits comfortably over the lower leg region, helps to reduce pain and swelling. Furthermore, it bolsters your tissue area, improving flexibility and good conditioning around the adjoining muscles.
Ensure that you work gingerly, never hurriedly (that's if the pain permits you). You can use a walking stick if the pain seems unbearable. This stimulates healthy blood to the damaged tissue area and also removes surplus fluid caused by the swelling.
2# Use an insole
Shin splints happen because of the continuous jarring of your joints and shins during intensive work outs or heavy impact activities. When you have shin splints, start wearing a padded insole with your shoes. This has been known to offer great relief. A padded sole helps to cushion the blow of your foot every time it thumps on the ground, especially on hard or uneven surfaces. You can get insoles at specialty stores or at the sport section of any other store.
3# Ice Treatments
Ice therapy reduces swellings and inflammation fast and is a reliable method that will provide relief from shin pain. Break ice in a towel and apply on the affected area for 10-15 minutes every day. Do this dutifully at least 3 times daily. If you do not want it to affect your other activities or chores, use an ice pack held in place with an elastic bandage. Never apply directly to your shin; it does more harm than good! Are you having trouble, finding the specific tools for the job? You can turn to the kitchen for a solution to your throbbing splint by opting for a bag of frozen legumes or vegetables. They work as well.
4# Pop the Painkillers and Rest Up
Taking Aspirin, Acetaminophen and ibuprofen with water will help relieve shin pain by reducing swellings and inflamed muscles. These painkillers, along with rest, gradually help to return your body to full activity. Pregnant women or nursing moms need to check in with their doctors first before using these medications as they are known to have possible side effects.
Remember that the seriousness of each shin splint case determines the level of treatment to be applied to each leg. You should stop and try your doctor for a more accurate diagnosis if there are no improvements within a week.